Viewing Calls Status

The Calls Status page displays the statuses of statistics collected on database entities as well as the statuses of statistics collected on calls and on calls with calls flow. Network administrators can use the page as reference to determine OVOC server database status.

To view statuses:
1. Open the Server Calls Status page (System > Administration > OVOC Server > Calls Status).

2. [Refer to the preceding figure] View on the left side of the page the statuses of statistics on the following entities (from top to bottom): Devices, Links, Sites, Endpoints and Users.
3. View (for example) the topmost entity displayed: Devices
15,253 statistics on all devices in the network currently saved in the OVOC server database, out of a maximum of 150 million. 15,253 indicates the number of stored statistics per the entity 'Device', per 5 minute interval. [The number of stored statistics per other entities - Links, Sites, Endpoints - per five minute interval, are displayed below 'Devices'].
The Maximum Stored Days is indicated as 218 out of a maximum of 365 (configured in the Calls Settings Storage page as shown in Customizing Calls Storage); the oldest statistics on devices in the OVOC server database are 218 days old; after a year's storage, the OVOC deletes the database; only one year maximum is stored.
4. View on the right side of the page the Calls Status section.
21,703,782 indicates the total number of calls currently saved in the OVOC server database out of a maximum of 80 million calls.

80 million calls can be stored for a year (for example) but when operating in an Azure or AWS environment and disk space is empty for most of the year because it can take months to fill up, customers are provided with an option to decrease disk size and number of stored entities. See the OVOC IOM for the minimum disk space required for each platform.

The Stored Days is indicated as 219 out of a maximum of 365; the oldest calls are 219 days old; after a year's storage, the OVOC deletes calls from the database; only one year is stored.
557,652 indicates the calls with call flow (i.e., with SIP ladder) currently saved in the OVOC server database.
The maximum # of statistics on calls /calls with call flow depends on the server specification (Baremetal, low VM, high VM, etc.).
The Maximum Stored Days is configured in the Calls Settings Storage page as shown in Customizing Calls Storage.